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Europa Nostra Award – Category Conservation 2018

Poul Egede’s Mission House, Ilimanaq, Greenland receives Europa Nostra Award in Conservation.

The jury highlighted “The high quality of the building survey and preliminary investigation of this project as well as the careful conservation work carried out in difficult climatic and geographical conditions”.

The Mission House (built in 1751) was built by the Danish Christian missionary Poul Egede and was in service until 1880. It was intermittently inhabited until the mid-1980s. The Shop and Store Building (built in 1777) maintained its original use as a warehouse until 2012. The restoration of the two buildings, som of the oldest structures of their kind in Greenland, is part of a larger partnership between the government of Greenland, the National Museum of Greenland, Qaasuisup Kommunia, World of Greenland and the Danish philanthropic investor, Realdania By & Byg.

The award was handed over in a cerimony in Det Grønlandske Hus in Copenhagen the 24th of September, 2018.